Forum Replies Created

  • February 1, 2023 at 5:22 pm #1802
    Catherine Wilson

    1. What are the potential strengths in the relationship?
    2. what are potential areas of tension in the relationship?
    3. What are your hypotheses?
    4. What lines of enquiry would you follow?
    5. What development recommendations would you make for Victor and Simon?

    1.Both work in the same team and have common goals. Both respected. Simon wants to develop and is open to the feedback.
    2. Victor is the boss so there is a hierachical relationship here – could be preceived as not equal. Victor is seen as brilliant but difficult – suggests it is known that he is not easy but not been tackled before? Victor’s profile suggests he likes to be direct and challenging and can critique work. Simon’s suggests he can be verbose at times and can go into over analysis which ma not sit well with Victor.
    3. Victor can come across as strong willed and direct, challenging, likes to critique and diagnose. When under pressure this can then come across as attacking or overly critical. His pressure critique profile is much higher than half of his normal one so this suggests this plays out more when under pressure. Simon’s profile suggests he uses his articulate and diagnose voice mostly. Under pressure his advocate voice is higher than half of where it is normally which suggests he voices and pushes opinion more. In a non pressure environment Victor may be direct and Simon may perceive he is not listening or respecting his opinion. Simon may ‘go on’ in Victors eyes and be overly detailed. They may be able to manage this with some open conversations. However, under pressure Victor dials up the challenge – perhaps seeming to attack. His critique level gets higher and his inquire goes down. Suggesting he listens even less and seems ‘nit picky’. Simon’s advocate goes up which suggests he pushes his point more and they may come to an impass.
    4. How do feel they work together when all is going smoothly. Does Simon feel listened to? Could Simon communicate his thoughts in a better way that Victor would be more receptive to? What happens under pressure. What is going on for them? Could they use their diagnose voices to find common ground?
    5. Victor to listen more and try to take other people’s views into account, practise patience and empowering others. Simon to try to be clear and concise with Victor, especially when they are in high pressure environments.

    January 30, 2023 at 10:56 pm #1792
    Catherine Wilson

    Articulate: Pete and John agree with the first argument and Joan and Lucas agree with the second argument, we’ll need to discuss how we make a final decision.

    Advocate: I think that we should go with option 2 as it has the most benefits.

    Advise: If I were in your shoes I would pick the green or blue dress

    Challenge: Let’s get back to the point on the agenda so we can make some progress on this project.

    Direct: It’s important that you follow the rules when working here as they were put in place for a reason

    Evaluate: I can see that there are some pros and cons to the project plan, i’d like to see some more statistics on the budget and resources to evaluate the plan in more detail

    Probe: Tell me more about why he frustrates you in this way?

    Inquire: What can I do t support you at this time?

    Diagnose: The deadline is fast approaching and we have 3 options to choose from to move forward, let’s go through the main elements of each approach to ascertain which will get us to the deadline first.

    January 30, 2023 at 10:16 pm #1791
    Catherine Wilson

    1. What do you hypothesise from Yvette’s triangle?
    2. What does Yvette’s comparative track tell you about her tendencies under pressure?
    3. What are your hypotheses and lines of enquiry to explore Yvette’s profile?

    1. Yvette doesn’t seem to have a prominent voice. I imagine it is unclear when she is speaking which voice she is using? Does she do this on purpose and hold back? Is she not clear about what voices she uses, does she find it hard to communicate, is she adapting to others voices rather than using her own? Is she well adjusted and can use all voices?

    2. In the pressure track many of the pressure lines are lower than the non pressure track. This suggests that Yvette may be sensitive and hold back on these voices. Is she lacking confidence and or not sure how she can deliver the messages she wants. Probe and direct have disappered altogether – does she not have a clear voice and under pressure becomes even less sure about delivering her message. Is she quiet and holding back?

    3. Ask Yvette how she likes to communicate? Is she clear about the voices she uses in certain situations? Does she feel confident in her self knowledge and situation? How does she communicate when under pressure? Are their situations where it has gone wrong and now she is cautious. What would help her to explore the voices she would like to develop?

    January 30, 2023 at 8:48 pm #1790
    Catherine Wilson

    1. What are your hypotheses?
    2. What lines of enquiry would you follow?
    3. What questions would you like to ask Becca?

    1. Becca has strong voices in challenge, direct and advise. She is likely able to give clear direction and will make her view and decision known. To ensure that the organisations and governments she works with take action she can get her view across and tell people what is needed. She may come across as critical at points. Her apparently least used voice is articulate which may mean it is sometimes difficult for her to get her BP message across.

    2. When do her stronger voices work for her and when perhaps do they get in the way. Are there any of her lesser used voices she may develop to help her when the more direct and challenging voices may not work for her. Would developing the articulate voice help her if she developed it.

    3. Questions as above plus – what is she thinking internally. Is she evaluating and not showing this voice externally? This seems to come out when it is criticism but could she show the evaluation also? Would this help? Are there other voices she could dial up that might help her in her role?

    January 30, 2023 at 8:16 pm #1789
    Catherine Wilson

    Q1. What hypotheses do you have about how Marcia’s profile helps her to be effective in her role?
    Q2. What hypotheses do you have about her how profile might cause her difficulties in her role?
    Q3. What sort of conversation might you expect to have with Marcia?
    Q4. What voice/s do you think it might be helpful for her to develop?
    Q5. In what way/s?

    1. Marcia has a profile that has strong voices around inquire, probe and diagnose which will likely help her understand the challenges and ask questions around the changes she is working on. She is likely to be able to ask the right questions and show an interest. Her next level is voices are articulate and advise so she’ll likely be able to get the message across and suggest ways to get the change through to others.

    2. Marcia may overuse these voices and may then come across as patronising, intruding and interrogating which would be unhelpful in trying to get people to buy into change. Her lower preference for challenge and direct voices may mean that if the need arises to be direct and push something through she may find this more difficult. In addition if discussions get pushed off course she may struggle to challenge and bring things back online.

    3. Marcia is likely to be interested in the profile and ask questions to gain understanding. I would explore the voices that she may use under pressure and see if she agrees that this may happen, where they may be hindering her in her role. Also, what solutions work for her already, if there are any.

    4. Marcia might want to explore developing the challenge and direct voice for those moments when they might be needed.

    5. Marcia may not be direct and tell people the answer when needed. She may need to course correct discussions and avoid distraction when getting people onboard and the challenge voice may help her here.

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