Forum Replies Created

  • January 25, 2023 at 8:27 am #1782
    Leanne McLean

    What do you hypothesise from Yvette’s triangle?
    Her triangle shows no dominant voice, with all in the lower range which is unusual and leads me to question how she is feeling in herself and in her role, does she feel unheard? How was this exercise set up by the manager and has this lead Yvette to be fearful of outcome. Another thought is whether she lacks insight and isn’t aware of how and when she uses her 9 voices or is she anxious? My sense is that she is struggling and this concerns me.

    What does Yvette’s comparative track tell you about her tendencies under pressure?
    Under pressure, Yvette’s advocacy voice becomes dominant which could see her judged as preaching. Interestingly all other scores retreat with both directing and probing disappearing all together. Is Yvette under pressure, and lacking confidence, trying to be heard and get her point across by asserting her view without seemingly engaging with others in the team.

    What are your hypotheses and lines of enquiry to explore Yvette’s profile?
    I would explore Yvette’s sense of position within the team and what is expected of her as an individual and as part of that team, and how this profile is/is not aligned with these.
    I sense that Yvette is potentially under-confident and anxious and I would gently explore my hypothesis with her. What is it she fears from using her voices wisely and when she has in the past what was the outcome. Perhaps this is a learnt position
    Is she holding back due to her perception of others views of her and how might she begin to use her voices effectively to change that perception and build her confidence

    January 16, 2023 at 3:10 pm #1776
    Leanne McLean

    What are your hypotheses?

    Becca works in a fast paced, highly pressured, high risk role in which quick decisions will be necessary from time to time, but not always. I suspect that her voices are appropriate to the times in which action is necessary I get the impression that Becca is an extravert and always ready to share her energy and controlling/positioning voices…is this where she derives her energy from?

    What lines of enquiry would you follow?
    Does Becca carry her controlling voice through to the parts of her role that don’t require hard and fast decisions? Has this voice pattern become the norm?
    Where she derives her energy from?
    Is she confident or under-confident?

    What questions would you like to ask Becca
    How might she dial up the exploring voices with those she communicates and what impact would this have on her and others
    When she uses her controlling and positioning voices what does she notice in others (sensitivity)? What is their response and does this achieve what she intended?
    What skills does she deploy to achieve intended outcome in the face of others not responding to her tendency to control and position?

    If Becca could choose one exploring voice to dial up, which would it be and how could she change…impact on her and others?
    If she could dial down one controlling voice what would it be and again how and what impact? Would dialling down also bring down her energy?
    What are Becca’s career ambitions and what voices does she think she will need to achieve these?

    January 9, 2023 at 10:37 am #1774
    Leanne McLean

    Q1. VP profile tendencies, help Marcia in her role as a change agent through inquiring, diagnosing, probing to truly understand the heart of the matter, articulating to present findings and advising – recommendations for change
    Q2. Her profile may hinder her in driving the change forward. She may lack the skill in certain voices and/or an overuse of her tendencies.
    Her colleagues may find her inquiring approach too much to manage in a busy clinical setting (sensitivity). It could be interpreted that she is not taking others along with her. Their potentially perceived lack of engagement could lead to Marcia becoming frustrated and pressured. Her ‘lack’ of the direct voice may create issues when implementing change
    Q3. Conversation with Marcia – what she sees in her profile and how driven by context is this, how she feels about the findings, what value does she hold in her ‘style’ and what challenges her? How her approach fits with change management theory and human interaction with change. When under pressure what changes and what impact does this have on her, her work and those around her?
    Q4. I would explore with Marcia the development of her direct, advocate, and advise voices to understand if these could strengthen her leadership style and clarity for others
    Q5. Any changes have to be acceptable to Marcia and not to create a situation in which she acts outside of who she is.
    Use of 360 feedback may guide her
    Through the support of the coach agree different approaches and reflect on the outcome

    January 6, 2023 at 11:52 am #1773
    Leanne McLean

    Q1 – Patronising for me
    Q2 – makes me feel as though the person has not bothered to understand my position, what has/hasn’t been achieved, before giving their words of wisdom
    Q3 – My reaction is largely instinctive and visceral, leaving an uncomfortable feeling in my belly which becomes the focus rather than the words being imparted
    Q4 – the outcome of the interaction is unsatisfactory on my part as I am left feeling negative towards the other person and less likely to carry out what was advised/patronised

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