Forum Replies Created

  • June 19, 2021 at 2:10 pm #1562
    Susannah Davis

    1.Articulate: Sally seems to be finding this manageable, but Paul and Nick need some more support.

    2.Advocate: I don’t things will work out, if we agree to that.

    3.Advise: If I were you I would encourage them to do some more reading around this topic.

    4.Challenge: We need to stop for a minute, as we are in danger of going off track.

    5.Direct: You have not done what we agreed you would do so now I will need to escalate this.

    6.Evaluate: On one hand the developer seems to have considered our individual service needs, however on the other hand, they have given us an off the shelf product.

    7.Probe: How did you feel when you heard that news from your colleague?

    8.Inquire: What would you like to discuss in our session today?

    9.Diagnose: Which word best describes how you feel about the launch? Happy? Sad? Anxious?

    June 4, 2021 at 10:21 am #1543
    Susannah Davis

    Question 1: What catches your attention about the shape of Jack’s profile?
    Jack shows a strong preference for the bottom part of the triangle, with high scores in advocate, advise and challenge which are predominantly controlling and positioning voices. He scores lower on the inquire, diagnose and articulate elements, with Direct being the only element that sits in the middle. Jack’s stand out voice is his advocate voice. His approach would be to ‘to describe & clarify in a precise, neutral, matter-of-fact way’. To advise on his way of doing things, before interrupting to prove what is happening.

    Question 2: What impressions do you find yourself forming about Jack from his profile?
    The profile sits well with his experience of being an executive lead, and ‘leading’ on what needs to be done, rather than the exacting detail of how it needs to be done, and the detail. Jack is likely to start conversations by expressing his viewpoint, or by being keen to lead or dominate rather than collaboratively hearing from the experiences of others.

    Question 3: Which aspects of the context do you think might be important in this case?
    Jack is possibly now in a different position in his new role of occasional work with different people, because he does not necessarily already have the established relationships or the position of authority that means he can just lead, rather than getting involved in the doing. When he is helping businesses to improve they might not be as receptive to his approaches of coming in and changing everything, and may benefit more from his inquiring and articulating responses to be able to work effectively with others to make change.

    Question 4: What issues might you be looking to explore with Jack?
    Why the VoicePrint profile has been requested of him, and what he feels he might like to work on if anything, or the impact that this could have on other people around him. Level of insight into the way he is and the way he works. If his work and personal life might display different sides of him, or whether this is his always stance. It would also be beneficial to consider cultural implications, because this may also affect his stance/way of being that might be different to other cultures/backgrounds.

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