Forum Replies Created

  • June 29, 2023 at 8:18 pm #1947
    Jude Nicholas

    What strikes you about Jack’s profile?
    the lead voice is advocate and the next two, although level, are some way lower. All three are in the positinoning zone

    What are your hypotheses?
    There is a chance the folks will hear Jack’s voice as being ‘preach’ which could impact on whether folks respond as they think he wants them to or possibly step back. This could be a challenge when working in a culture that does not embrace this approach. I wonder why he has been asked to complete the VoicePrint.

    What lines of enquiry would you follow?
    I would be curious to know how Jack percieves his style of communication to be; how, if at all, he feels in may have adapted it / is it a model he has found successful on previous assignments (cultures?) What does he notice about the voices – 1st / 2nd 3rd.
    what would be the benefits of other voices?

    June 29, 2023 at 7:52 pm #1946
    Jude Nicholas

    Q1. Which negative voice/s particularly annoy you? – Patronise
    Q2. How do you tend to react when you feel you are being spoken to in that way? – with gritted teeth
    Q3. Is that reaction deliberate or largely instinctive? – instinctive
    Q4. What effect does your reaction have on the interaction? – confusion on the part of speaker as they usually think they are being helpful

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